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Mary Wolfe

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I was raised in a home where Beauty was highly valued. Expressing oneself creatively was a part of the rhythm of our everyday life. My father was a woodworker and my mother a weaver. They filled our home with objects that were both functional and beautiful. They encouraged me from an early age to see beauty and create with my hands. 


By age ten I was sewing my own clothes. While in high school I was given a spinning wheel and a sheep’s fleece. I learned to card, spin and weave. One particularly cold winter while in university, I acquired 5 discarded wool coats, deconstructed them and made a quilt for my bed. Many quilts later I ventured from practicality into art, taking the quilt off the bed and putting it on the wall.

Using textiles and fibres, I’ve created wall hangings, book covers, wearable art, and thread paintings. Recently I’ve taken up wet felting and am making 3 dimensional vessels from local Icelandic fleece.  


As a founding member of Fibres & Beyond, I deeply value the sense of community and encouragement we experience together. In addition to fibre art, I write prose poetry, play the harp, grow a garden and use photography to capture moments of numinous beauty.



Phone: 250 360 0783 

Mary Wolfe
915 Woodhall Drive
Victoria, B.C., V8X 3L7

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